Thursday, 29 May 2014

Big smiley bowl of breakfast sunshine!

So this weeks mid-week post is another recipe and this one is super easy! It is inspired by a pin (with no link or credits) on Pinterest. I made up my own version and I call it my Morning bowl of Breakfast Sunshine! It gives you energy, it tastes amazing and is well within all my intolerance boundaries. It can be as quick and simple as you like....


All you need is :

1 serving of cooked quinoa (I cooked mine the night before to make this a super quick on a Monday morning)
A teaspoon of raw honey or for a vegan twist use agave nectar 
A selection of frozen berries (I chose raspberries, blueberries, cherries and red currents) 
A selection of fresh fruit (I went with mango and banana)
Some seeds (you can see pumpkin and there is also flax seed in the mix)
Some nuts (I used pistachios but any will do)

Once the the quinoa is cooked drain it off and quickly mix in the honey. I left mine overnight but you don't have to. I also mixed in some flax seed but that is not essential.

Next chop you fruits and if they are large also chop your nuts (is it ok I giggled slightly when I retread that sentence?) 

Place your fruits and frozen berries in an asthetically pleasing way on top of the quinoa. Then sprinkle over the seeds and nuts.

Then devour it all nice and slowly savour every bite. I ate this and was full all morning and buzzing around which I really needed last week. Let me know in the comments if you have done something similar. Please feel free to like share, pin, tweet, comments etc it is all appriciated and helps. Thanks for reading and have a lovely rest of the week xx

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