Wednesday, 9 July 2014

Yummy for my tummy

The weekend before last, for the first in nearly 2 months I spent the entire weekend with my husband! Neither of us had work, or exams or anything else going on. This meant a bit of a relax on the old strict new diety thing.
We had a meal at Yo Sushi (my favourite restaurant), we did gardening, I made two, yes, two completely vegan (but had some wheat in it) Mexican meals and then finished it off with some very yummy frozen coconut cream.

                                   Lush vegan tacos!

It was such a lovely, relaxing weekend and I must admit I came away very bloated and groggy. I am beginning to see patterns now though, for example chilli sets me off every time I eat it. 

I am also noticing big changes in my mood. I don't know if it is psychosomatic but the more bright colour fruit and veg I eat the happier I feel (when other outside factors aren't causing me stress).

I am finding a big love naughty treat foods such as vegan cheeses, Bessant and Druary ice creams, vegan pizza, vegan mayonnaise and fries. But I have also found a new/renewed love of quinoa, bell peppers, dates, avocado, rice noodles, coconut milk, overnight oats, berries and so much more.

The only problem I am still finding is that i get board due to lack of funds. I find that my weekly shop is still edging on the more expensive side so I am going to be working on better meal plans and budgeting again to resolve the problem of eating the same meal 5 days a week! Yes the meal planning went after a few weeks due to the fact we ran out of money and I felt i needed a re-think, the problem is that all that has happened is my planning is even worse and more sporadic than before. So i need to get on it like a car bonnet and stop lolly-gagging.

This week I tried an egg mayo Sandwich. I was surprised to find nothing happened. I felt no worse and it tasted soooo good! This has made me confident that my future plans to be vegan, wheat free during the week and relax at weekends will really work for me. 

The more I go through this process the more I see that I really love food! I really have missed some of my fave foods but now I know that in the future I can be a flexible and I will always b excited for new recipes.

So what can you expect from this blog in the future? Well firstly I will be posting once a week - every other week to start with (maybe a little less at the moment due to being busy). My next post will be a full on results post with pics and measurements etc. After that it will be a mix of vegan, veggie, pescatarian, allergon free and paelo recipes, reports on meals out, general fun stuff. I will also mix in some posts on exercise as well and we will take it from there.

Thanks for reading and sorry about the recent lack of posting there was just not much to report. Speak soon xx

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